
Foot / Ankle

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain in adults and afflicts approximately two million patients per year. The classic symptom of plantar fasciitis is heel pain that typically is worst with the first several steps in the morning and lessens as the day continues. Individuals often have pain at the beginning of an activity that diminishes or resolves as they warm up.

General symptoms recur after activity and frequently the pain is described as a deep ache or tenderness at the inside front area of the heel. The plantar fascia is a long thin ligament that lies directly beneath the skin on the bottom of your foot. It connects the heel to the front and supports the arch of your foot. The plantar fascia is designed to absorb the high stresses and strains that we place on our feet. When there is too much pressure, it damages or tears the tissues. The body will naturally respond with swelling. The inflammation results in the heel pain and stiffness you are experiencing.

· Pain and stiffness in the morning
· Pain better after a few steps after waking
· Sharp shooting pain
· Localized inflammation often
· Most intense at the end of the day
· Heel spur tenderness

If left untreated, the bone spurs in the heel can form. Many people with plantar fasciitis have heel spurs. It is important to understand that spurs are not the cause of plantar fasciitis pain. We recommend contacting our office for a thorough examination so we can assist you with your foot pain concerns. Contact us today.

Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles tendonitis

Achilles tendonitis is an overuse injury of the Achilles tendon. The band of tissue that connects calf muscles at the back of the lower leg to your heel bone. Achilles tendinitis most commonly occurs in runners who have a sudden increase in intensity or duration of their runs.

It is also common in middle-aged people that play sports like tennis or basketball as a past time or hobby. Chronic tendonitis, without treatment, can lead to tears and ruptures. 5280 Cryo provides cryotherapy and active release techniques that will get you back to your activities whether you are an intense training athlete or play sports on the weekends.

Regardless of how you were injured, Achilles tendonitis is serious and will leave a permanent injury and will reduce your physical performance. We are here to provide the treatment that you need. Not sure if you need to seek treatment? If you have any of these common symptoms, contact us sooner than later.

Common Symptoms:

· Pain And Suffering Along The Achilles tendon in the morning
· Calf Tightness And Pain
· Pain Along The Tendon Or Back Of The Heel That Worsens With Activity
· Severe Pain And Swelling The Day After Exercising
· Thickening Of The Tendon
· Bone Spur Formation in Heel Bone At the Attachment
· Swelling That Gets Worse With Activity

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome is a compression neuropathy and painful foot condition in which the posterior tibial nerve is compressed as it travels through the tarsal tunnel on the inside part of the ankle behind the medial malleolus. The tunnel is covered with a thick ligament known as the flexor retinaculum, that protects and maintains the arteries, veins, tendons, and nerve structures that pass through the tunnel space.

Compression to the posterior tibial nerve produces symptoms anywhere along the path of the nerve running from the inside of the ankle into the foot. Typically, runners will aggravate this condition with overuse to the tibialis posterior and flexor digitorum longus muscles as the tendons pass through the tunnel space.

Tarsal tunnel syndrome is similar to carpal tunnel syndrome, which occurs in the wrist. Both disorders emerge from the compression of a nerve in a confined space. Contact us if you are experiencing any of these common symptoms include:

· Tingling, Burning, Or A Sensation Similar To An Electrical Shock
· Numbness In Your Feet
· Pain, Including Shooting Pain Up The Shin
· Shin Splint Like Pains On The Inside Of The Shin Bone

Turf Toe

The simplest definition of turf toe is a big toe sprain. It happens when the toe is forcibly bent up into hyperextension, such as when pushing off into a sprint and having the toe get a stuck flat on the ground. This is the typical position of the foot when a turf toe injury occurs. Common tissues injured include the plantar plate under the metatarsophalangeal joint (MTP), strains to the flexor Hallucis Longus/Brevis muscles/tendons, or injury to the sesamoid bones in the tendons. Injuries are graded from one to three — mild to severe.

· Grade 1 – The plantar complex has been stretched causing pin-point tenderness and slight swelling
· Grade 2 – A partial tearing of the plantar complex causes more widespread tenderness and bruising. Movement of the toe is limited and painful.
· Grade 3 – The plantar complex is completely torn causing severe tenderness, severe swelling and bruising. It is difficult and painful to move the big toe.

Ankle Sprains

The ligaments of the ankle hold the ankle bones and joint in position. They protect the ankle joint from abnormal movements — especially twisting, turning, and rolling of the foot. A ligament is an elastic structure. Ligaments usually stretch within their limits, returning back to a normal position. When a ligament is forced to stretch beyond its normal range, a sprain occurs. A severe sprain causes the actual tearing of the elastic fibers. The grade of the sprain is determined by the extent of damage to the ligament fibers. The grade of the sprain is determined by the extent of damage to the ligament fibers:

· Grade 1 – Slight stretching and some damage to the fibers (fibrils) of the ligament
· Grade 2 – Partial tearing of the ligament and abnormal looseness (laxity) of the ankle joint.
· Grade 3 – Complete tear of the ligament. This can be determined when we examine your strain, and if we pull or push, most likely you will experience severe pain and instability.

It is very important to get treatment for a sprained ankle to decrease pain and inflammation to prevent lasting effects. Contact us to schedule your appointment today.

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